Substantiation of the claims provided in this website
This website and other websites affiliated to this website contains various information and statements regarding the possible effects and symptoms that are associated with excessive, impacted or accumulated ear wax. Though the products offered on this website is not intended to treat, cure or diagnose any disease or condition, and we don not intend to provide any health advice to anyone, however we would like to inform you that all statements on this website that relates to the effects and symptoms of excessive, impacted or accumulated earwax have been thoroughly assessed and substantiated by the following information resources:
(1) Patients with cerumen (earwax) impaction can present with symptoms, including aural fullness, hearing loss, ear pain, itching, tinnitus, and otitis externa. Symptomatic accumulation of cerumen occurs when the natural elimination mechanism is disrupted or is inadequate. (Garret A. Horton, Matthew T.W. Simpson, Michael M. Beyea, Jason A. Beyea (2020), Cerumen Management: An Updated Clinical Review and Evidence-Based Approach for Primary Care Physicians)
(2) Cerumen may accumulate and occlude the canal of one or both ears, causing discomfort, hearing loss, tinnitus, dizziness, and chronic cough. It also can contribute to otitis externa. Because the external auditory canal is innervated by the auricular branch of the vagus nerve, coughing or even cardiac depression can accompany stimulation of the canal from cerumen impaction or removal attempts. (Daniel F. McCarter, MD, A. Ursulla Courtney, MD, and Susan M. Pollart, MD. Cerumen Impaction. Am Fam Physician. 2007;75(10):1523-1528)
(3) Normally, earwax moves particles to the outer ear at a rate that prevents any significant build-up. When this process fails, there can be an excessive build-up of wax, which can block or occlude the auditory canal. Although this can be a relatively minor problem, it can result in several other related problems, including hearing loss, discomfort, balance disorders, tinnitus and even infection. It is often these symptomatic conditions that are the key concern for the person suffering from excessive earwax. (AJ Clegg, E Loveman, E Gospodarevskaya, P Harris, A Bird, J Bryant, DA Scott, P Davidson, P Little & R Coppin (2010), The safety and effectiveness of different methods of ear wax removal: a systematic review and economic evaluation)
(4) Impacted cerumen caused a significant degree of conductive hearing loss, as evidenced by an improvement in hearing of 11 to 20 dB in 50.5% of patients and an improvement of 21 to 30 dB in 29.4% of patients following cerumen removal. Statistical analysis indicated that the change in the mean air-bone gap before and after cerumen removal in all 109 ears was 21.19 dB; the difference was statistically significant. (Sethu T. Subha, Rajagopalan Raman, MS CORL (2006). Role of impacted cerumen in hearing loss)
(5) Patients seek treatment for cerumen impaction for a host of symptoms. Pain, itching, sensation of fullness, tinnitus, odor, drainage, cough, and dizziness have all been reported, and complete occlusion can result in significant hearing loss. Hearing loss can range from 5 to 40 dB depending on the degree of occlusion of the canal with cerumen. Symptoms of cerumen impaction include: otalgia; tinnitus; fullness in the ear; pain; cough; hearing loss; and vertigo. (Peter S. Roland, MD, Timothy L. Smith, MD, MPH, Set R. Schwatz, MD, MPH, and others (2008). Clinical practice guideline: Cerumen impaction).
(6) The diagnosis of cerumen impaction is made by direct visualization with an otoscope. Common symptoms include hearing loss, feeling of fullness in the ear, itching, otalgia, tinnitus, cough, and, rarely, a sensation of imbalance. Hearing loss from cerumen impaction can cause reversible cognitive impairment in older persons. (C. Michaudet, MD, John Malaty, MD (2018). Cerumen Impaction: Diagnosis and Management. Am Fam Physician. 2018;98(8):525-529)
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